Thursday, July 10, 2008

Write up in Twin Cities Luxury Magazine: July 2008

This month I am involved in a group show at the Burnett Gallery located in the Chambers Luxury Hotel-A short write up was published in Twin Cities Luxury Magazine:


JD said...

The article is great! I think your concerns for the quote were unfounded. I can absolutely hear you saying that: I think I actually did while I was there! Congratulations!

Megan R-Mc said...

Thanks, I rewrote my interview like 3 times so that I didn't sound like a moron. I don't know, the idea of my words going into print is nerve-racking because I am so impulsive.....who knows what i'm going to end up saying, you know? But yeah, I'm pleased with the outcome except for one typo/word change...not sure which it was.